A soldier with a letter from home: Lang Vei, Vietnam
Daniel Cespedes, arrested by the Chile junta
Nobel Laureate Pablo Neruda, laid to rest after the Chile coup d'etat
Vietnamese "Boat People" - who landed in Malaysia
Lying in state: Argentine President Juan Peron
Gov. George Romney, seeking the Repub. nomination, speaks to the Utah Legislature: 1967
The First Summit-Geneva: Gorbachev & Reagan
Al Gore: the 2000 Campaign
LDS Elders, the semi annual Conference: Salt Lake City
Another Cosmo martini for Monica Lewinsky
Ayatollah Khomeini, spiritual leader of the Iran Revolution
Bloody hands: Another martyr has fallen-The Iran Revolution
Iranian women wearing Chador, the Revolution
Her dreams dashed after colliding with Zola Budd, Mary Decker looks on in pain: 1984 Olympics
Carl Lewis touches the Finish Line, LA 1984 Olympics
A sip of water: the Korem refugee camp, Ethiopia
Korem refugee camp: Ethiopia
The day the Berlin Wall "opened"
A West Berlin woman tearfully welcomes her Eastern family
Start of the Gordon Bennett balloon race, Paris 1983
Jordan nurses her Wisdom Teeth