In 1994, on occasion of the 50th anniversary of D Day, Robert L Williams, 101st Airborne trooper, jumped with a bunch of former vets at Ste Mere Eglise. The sky behind is filled with chutes of active duty troops who jumped just after the vets did.
A group of English reenactors on Omaha Beach, D-Day+70 Years:
Whisky 7, a C47 which flew on the night of 5 June 1944, flies again over the Norman countryside
Members of the 29th Division gather at Dog/Red on Omaha beach, 0700, 70 years after D-Day to salute their fallen comrades
Fireworks on Omaha beach, 5 June 2014
D-Day+70 Years: hundreds of paratroopers jump at Ste Mere Eglise in tribute to the paratroopers of 1944
A lone re-enactor (there were hundreds in 2014) on Omaha Beach the morning of D-Day + 70 years
D-Day+70 Years: Omaha Beach salute to the veterans
Two men hug in recognition of D-Day+70 Years:
The 2014 D-Day+70 Years celebrations drew hundreds to the beaches
My first encounter with the D-Day Vets. A young (in his 50s) veteran at a lunch, Omaha Beach, 1974 (30th Anniversary)
A small crew of Dutch re-enactors (there are hundreds of them), Omaha Beach, 0600h, D-Day + 60 years
Major Thomas Howie's grave, Normandy cemetary (thought to be the inspiration of Tom Hanks character in Saving Priv Ryan
John Robinson, a B-26 pilot who flew into France on the night of June 5th
German fortresses along the Normandy Coast
Visiting fallen comrades at Omaha Beach cemetary
A former German garrison, Normandy
Dwayne Burns, paratrooper
A vet sits on Omaha Beach, 35 years after D-Day
Bob Williams, former paratrooper
Dr. Harold Baumgarten, wounded 5 times on D-Day
Ed Jeziorsky, a paratrooper with the 82nd Abn
Elbert Legg, assigned to Graves Registration, had to find a place to bury Allied soldiers in Normandy
Carl Beck, who jumped at Ste. Mere Eglise, 50 years after D-Day
Harry Parley, a grunt, now retired
Beach defensive positions
Leo Jereb, a 4th Div. veteran
Pat Passman, returns to Utah Beach in 1994, for the first time in 50 years
Dawn, along Omaha Beach, June 6, 1994
A view of Omaha Beach - June 6, 2014
Whisky 7 on the ramp, Cherbourg
Bud Rice, who flew Whisky 7 on June 5, 1944